Jared Diamond — Anthropologist, Pulitzer Prize winner | Sailing Out of Sight of Land, Safe Return Doubtful

Listen to Jared Diamond’s Episode

Listen to Jared Diamond’s Episode

About Jared Diamond’s Episode

Pulitzer Prize winner Jared Diamond joins Greg Stone to share their passion for the ocean and how it has shaped our human condition. As a renowned historian, Jared discusses how man started to branch out and expand their world by island hopping, thereby creating new cultures in the Mediterranean and South Pacific. Their conversation continues to explore the origin of languages, customs, mapmaking, all connected to man’s relationship with the ocean and the need to push out beyond the horizon. Dr. Diamond points out that the ocean was not only about exploration, but the richness of the seacoast accelerated man’s permanent settled living, which was a leap in the day to day existence of humans historically. Dr. Diamond and Dr. Stone’s long standing friendship is apparent as the two wander comfortably with anecdotes and observations gathered from a lifetime of discovery and curiosity.